WASHINGTON, D.C.– Congressman Carlos Gimenez (FL-26) issued the following statement after voting against articles of impeachment against President Trump:

“The insurrection last week on Capitol Hill was unamerican and will be a stain on our history. Violence is never the answer to political disagreements. In America, we settle those disagreements through rigorous debate and acts of democracy. We are a nation of laws, justice, order, and process. What we saw last Wednesday was not a peaceful protest, but a planned attack of mob violence on our most sacred institution. 

While last week’s violence was abhorrent, impeachment is one of the most sacred powers a Member of Congress can exercise, and it cannot be taken lightly. Moving forward a flawed impeachment process undercuts Congress’ voice and our ability to represent our constituents, setting a dangerous precedent of voting on impeachment without proper committee investigation. The American people demand the facts, and they deserve to know what happened on January 6th. Additionally, the Senate has already indicated it would not move on impeachment until after President-elect Biden’s inauguration, rendering the need to rush this process futile, divisive and a political stunt.

Voting for a rushed measure not only further divides our nation, it denies the American people a proper avenue to the facts. I welcome investigations into what happened through the regular process, where committees join to issue subpoenas, analyze testimonies under oath, and committee members have an opportunity to ask questions and cross-examine witnesses. We must learn how these domestic terrorists breached security, what can be done to prevent this kind of violence in the future, and what role any potential perpetrator may have played in the incitement of sedition and unnecessary deaths of Americans. That process must be played out, and the case must be made, in front of the American people and not through a series of 5-minute soundbites on cable television. I am confident we can reach the truth and begin to fully heal as a nation without tearing apart our laws, our norms, and our Constitution.

President-Elect Biden won this election fairly. He will become the 46th President of the United States and we must unite around him for the good of our country. I welcome him as our president and vow to earnestly work with and engage with the incoming administration to ensure we deliver results for South Florida.”

