WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Carlos A. Gimenez (FL-26) introduced the Preventing Usurpation of Power and Privileges by Extralegal Territories’ Sedition Act, known as the PUPPETS Act. 

The legislation would sanction any individuals that assist in establishing puppet governments in Ukraine. Specifically, it would designate the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), as well as any other entity claiming sovereignty over parts of Ukraine, as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs). Additionally, the bill would designate any foreign government that recognizes these entities or provides materials support for them as State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT). 

Senators Marco Rubio of Florida and John Kennedy of Louisiana introduced the legislation in the U.S. Senate. 

“Putin’s antics of fomenting political instability through proxy militias and puppet governments is textbook terrorism. It’s time for the United States to put a stop to Putin’s crony separatist groups from undermining Ukraine’s sovereignty and delegitimizing the Ukrainian people. I’m proud to stand with Florida Senator Marco Rubio in introducing this legislation to put an end to Putin’s acts of terrorism,” Gimenez said.

“The world will become a very scary place if we allow thugs like Putin to invade sovereign nations without severe consequence. We must be clear and unyielding in our support for the Ukrainian people’s fight against a merciless tyrant, and that begins with calling his actions for what they are — an act of terrorism. Any participants in or supporters of this evil scheme should be prepared to face the consequences,” Rubio said.

“Putin isn’t waging his war of aggression alone. Those who join in his terrorism should also bear its consequences — personally and politically. Russia’s war is one of terror, and America won’t tolerate it or excuse its co-conspirators,” Kennedy said.


Specifically, the PUPPETS Act would: 


1. Designate certain entities as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and Executive Order 13224. This blocks property and prohibits transactions with these entities and their members, as well as adds all their members to the Terrorist Exclusion list, which prevents their entry into the United States.

     a. The entities to be designated as FTOs include the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), and any entity claiming to be the government of any other region of Ukraine that is not the government elected in Ukraine’s most recent national and local elections. 
     b. Any government that is found by the Secretary of State to have recognized or assisted the DPR, LPR, or other Russian puppet government in Ukraine is designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism (SSOT), and barred from receiving U.S. foreign assistance. 
2. Require U.S. flagged aircraft and ships from taking any action that would imply recognition of sovereignty for these entities.