WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressman Carlos A. Giménez joined Rep. Nick LaLota (NY-01) by introducing the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act, which would prevent federal funds from being used to bailout sanctuary cities, such as New York, for the migrant crisis they helped create. 

Original co-sponsors include Reps. Andrew Garbarino (NY-02), Anthony D’Esposito (NY-04), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Brandon Williams (NY-22), Nick Langworthy (NY-23), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), and Michael McCaul (TX-10).

“Sanctuary cities, like New York, make the Biden-Mayorkas border disaster worse by enabling the reckless crisis,” said Rep. Gimenez. “I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing the No Bailouts for Sanctuary Cities Act to ensure no taxpayer money is misspent by bailing out sanctuary cities for their own failed policies.”

“However illogical, New York Democrats are free to keep their failed sanctuary city policies which are helping to cause New York City’s migrant crisis and the $12 billion Mayor Adams says it will cost,” said Rep. LaLota. “But these officials, who can repeal those costly policies any day, cannot expect other states’ taxpayers to fund their indiscretion while their policies remain in place.”

“While states like Texas are working overtime to secure our borders, sanctuary cities across the nation are promoting illegal immigration and exacerbating the crisis,” said Chairman McCaul. “Texan taxpayers shouldn’t have to shoulder the burden of costs incurred by cities that refuse to enforce our nation’s laws.”

 “You don’t treat the symptoms of a problem instead of the root cause, said Rep. Garbarino. “Progressive policies like those implemented by New York City and New York State have brought the border crisis to our doorstep and, until Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams show a willingness to change those policies, our state will continue to be inundated with an influx of migrants we can’t afford to support. The No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act would hold sanctuary cities accountable and encourage New York to reverse its failed policies, which have only exacerbated this crisis.”

“Municipalities that implement 'sanctuary city' policies are adding fuel to the fire of Joe Biden's horrific border security crisis by giving refuge to those who broke the law to enter this country,” said Rep. D'Esposito. “I am proud to co-sponsor the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act which will ensure these 'sanctuary cities' do not receive federal funding until they stop serving as safe harbors for those who flaunt our laws and start prioritizing American national security.”

“To no one's surprise, migrants from all over the world are taking advantage of Democrats’ illegal sanctuary city policies, forcing taxpayers to foot the bill,” said Rep. Tenney. “We are facing a national security and humanitarian crisis exacerbated by these radical policies that incentivize illegal immigration. The No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act ensures that our tax dollars are not being used to fund housing, food, and healthcare costs for illegal immigrants.”

To read the full text of the legislation, click HERE.

Congressman Carlos A. Giménez serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security, the Select Committee on China, and the Armed Services Committee. He is the only Cuban-born Member of the 118th Congress, having been forced from his homeland shortly after the Communist takeover of the island. Rep. Giménez represents Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys. 
