Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Carlos Gimenez (FL-28) grilled the President of Microsoft, Brad Smith, during a Homeland Security Committe hearing. On Thursday, June 13, the Homeland Security Committee met with the President and Vice Chairman of Microsoft to discuss the cybersecurity implications of their security failures. Congressman Gimenez highlighted the threats Communist China poses to our cybersecurity and pushed Microsoft's Brad Smith to state on the record if his company shares critical user information on cybersecurity with the Chinese Communist Party, as is required of them under Communist China law.

Click HERE to watch Rep. Gimenez's line of questioning from the Homeland Security Committee hearing.


Congressman Carlos Giménez is the only Cuban-born Member of Congress, having fled the island with his family shortly after the communist takeover. He represents Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys. He is the Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security, and serves on the Armed Services Committee, and the Select Committee on China.