Washington, DC - Today, Rep. Carlos Gimenez (FL-28) introduced the bipartisan Secure Airports From Enemies (SAFE) Act. Congressman Gimenez is joined by Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26), Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-25), and Jared Moskowitz (FL-23). Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is introducing companion legislation in the U.S. Senate. 

This comes on the heels of the recent security breach at Miami International Airport (MIA) where Castro regime agents were granted access to secure TSA facilities. Congressman Gimenez, Chairman of the Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee is on the forefront of ensuring the Castro regime, or any other State Sponsor of Terrorism, are never again allowed access to secure TSA facilities at our nation's airports. Congressman Gimenez and the Cuban-American community are adamantly opposed to normalized relations with the military dictatorship in Havana

“President Biden & Secretary Mayorkas granted agents of the Castro regime access to our sensitive TSA facilities at Miami International Airport. This dangerous decision undermines our national security and puts passengers in serious risk,” said Congressman Carlos Giménez“I’m proud to introduce the bipartisan SAFE Act in the House of Representatives and work alongside my dear friend, Senator Marco Rubio, championing this effort in the Upper Chamber, to make sure this never happens again.”

"It’s absurd America has hosted officials from nations currently designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism. We must ensure this administration is not enabling foreign operatives to learn of our aviation security measures aimed at keeping Americans safe.” Senator Marco Rubio said.

“As co-chair of the Cuba Democracy Caucus, I'm deeply concerned by the threat posed to Floridians and U.S. national security by Cuban officials touring secure areas at Miami International Airport,” said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. "I am proud to help lead this bill to protect Americans from transnational surveillance, repression, and terrorism, and safeguard our ongoing support for pro-democracy voices suffering under the cruelty of autocratic regimes like Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran."

“The Biden Administration allowing the Cuban Regime to tour sensitive areas of Miami International Airport is a major security breach and should never have happened. Congress must step in to ensure we do not parade the Cuban Regime or any other State Sponsor of Terrorism around secure U.S facilities.” Rep. María Elvira Salazar said

"Our airports need an all-around-approach to security. It makes no sense why officials from terrorist sponsoring countries would be granted access to sensitive areas of airports. It is my hope that this was a mistake from TSA and that this type of access for conflicted foreign officials is never granted again. We must do better on this," Rep. Jared Moskowitz said.

“Protecting U.S. airports and sensitive government facilities is crucial to our national security. American taxpayer money should not be used to allow individuals associated with a country designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism to access any U.S. airport or sensitive government facility. I commend my Florida colleagues for uniting on this bill to prioritize our national security and ensure that state sponsors of terrorism are not permitted to view critical U.S. security facilities again,” Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart said.

CLICK HERE for the SAFE Act Bill Text. 

CLICK HERE for the Fox News Exclusive.


Congressman Carlos Giménez is the only Cuban-born Member of Congress, having fled the island with his family shortly after the communist takeover. He represents Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys, home to the largest Cuban exile community in America. He is the Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security, and serves on the Armed Services Committee, and the Select Committee on China.